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What is the role of a building expert?

With the panoply of reports and articles that have appeared on the subject, there’s no denying that the inspector’s trade is much better known today than it was just a few years ago. But even today, the term home inspector is still too often a catch-all. Can you tell the difference between an inspector and an expert? Read our article as our experts break down the role of a building expert.

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When should you call in a building expert?
An owner will call on the services of a building expert when he or she begins to have doubts about the presence of a problem with his or her building. Unlike the inspector, the expert is not there to judge the building in its entirety, but to focus on a particular problem.

Among the types of problems most frequently encountered by our experts are ice dams, water infiltration, condensation and high humidity, not to mention the all-too-common situation of mold proliferation…

Although the nature of the mandate is unique to each situation, the fact remains that it is first set out by the customer when the appointment is made, and then clarified with the expert during the service. However, the general objective of the expert remains similar from one customer to the next, and can be summarized as follows:
1. Confirm or deny the presence of a particular problem;
2. Trace the source of the problem;
3. Identify the cause(s);
4. Provide sustainable, realistic solutions.

On site, what does a building expert do?
Once on site, the expert will take a moment to talk with the customer, clarify the mandate and gather as much information as possible about the building and the problem. He will then carry out what is known as a preliminary visual inspection, a step designed to gain a better understanding of the building so that interventions do not adversely affect other building systems.

Once the situation has been identified, the expert will begin a more precise investigation focused on the problem. He will use the necessary tools: infiltrometer, thermal camera, hygrometer, smoke machine, etc. Only once his hypothesis has been established will he proceed, with the owner’s authorization, with exploratory openings to confirm his theory.

Based on his observations, the various codes and regulations, manufacturers’ recommendations, jurisprudence, knowledge, experience and building science in general, he will make recommendations that are realistic, sustainable and, above all, adapted to the customer’s situation.

Why call in a building expert?
Whether it’s to preserve the value of your home and ensure its longevity, to prevent a situation from worsening, or to ensure a healthy living environment for the occupants, there are many reasons for a homeowner to call on the services of a building expert. But the most important reason is simple: a building expert is impartial and has nothing to sell you.

He will advise you on the best ways to resolve your situation without negatively impacting the rest of the building, based on building science. This means you can call on the right specialist for the job, and use the right materials and methods.


So if you’re facing a problem with your home, don’t hesitate to call on the services of our building experts. With their advice, you’ll be able to get the right work done and fix the problem right the first time!

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Talk with one of our building experts!
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