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Water infiltration and condos: when cold symptoms lead to a building problem…

Our customers purchased their condominium unit in 2018. They quickly realized they were experiencing symptoms similar to a cold or allergies. It was after consulting their family doctors that their suspicions transferred from pollen to the building they lived in. Read our article (stay with us) and see how cold symptoms helped our customers solve a serious… water infiltration problem!

Water infiltration in your condo?
Our building experts will help you resolve your
water infiltration problem once and for all

Water infiltration in your condo?
Our building experts will help you resolve your
water infiltration problem once and for all

Eye and throat irritation, coughing, runny nose and headaches: our customers were convinced they were suffering from allergies. However, following examinations with their family doctors and other health specialists, this and other possible causes were eliminated. Only one remained: chronic exposure to mold spores. That’s when our customers turn to us.
Our mandate: to confirm or disprove the presence of mold, to identify the cause(s) if any, and to propose sustainable and realistic solutions. Our building experts visit the premises, where they begin, as they always do, by asking the co-owners about the building’s history and consulting the documents available through the syndicate of co-owners. .

What do they learn? Well, apparently, there had already been problems with water leaking from the ceilings of the top-floor units during heavy rains accompanied by winds from the east. The building’s contractor had tried several times to correct the situation, but to no avail. However, the unit our customers live in is not on the top floor, but rather one floor below. Could the problem on the top floor also be found here? Was the water entering on the top floor flowing through the walls to our customers’ homes? Could this water infiltration be the cause of mold growth in our customers’ condos?

By making a small opening in the ceiling, our experts can see puffiness on the wood elements and rings on the fiberglass insulation in place. Although only a microbial laboratory analysis of a sample can confirm the presence of mould, the black or coloured marks on the surface of the elements, usually left by mould, allow us to confirm that they are affected. The presence of mold inside a building can pose health risks to occupants, depending on the type and extent of the problem, which explains the health problems experienced by our customers.

With the authorization of the co-ownership syndicate, our experts took their expertise a step further, identifying all the places where water was penetrating the building envelope and proposing solutions adapted to the building’s reality, with the aim of solving the problem of water infiltration in the condo once and for all. Water test, infiltrometer, thermal camera: nothing was left to chance, and the expert report is complete and detailed. With the report in hand, our customers and the condo association can now turn to the contractor and demand the corrective work proposed by our experts – work that will put an end to water infiltration!

So if you or someone in your condominium is suffering from these symptoms without finding the cause, perhaps you too should explore the possibility of mold. Don’t hesitate to contact our building experts to discuss your situation and get to the bottom of it!

Water infiltration in your condo?
Our building experts will help you resolve your
water infiltration problem once and for all

Water infiltration in your condo?
Our building experts will help you resolve your
water infiltration problem once and for all

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