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3 building problems that can be diagnosed remotely

Which problems can our building experts diagnose remotely on the phone or via teleconference? Read our article or watch our video (with english subtitles) and see the most common building problems that our experts and inspectors can help you with without having to go to your home.

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Problems in the attic

First of all, there are the problems inside the attic. If you can move around in the attic with your cell phone and if you have enough light so that we can see inside the attic, we should be able to help you diagnose the problems you might encounter there. Among other things, any problems involving the presence of mold inside the attic and problems concerning water infiltration are both types of situations that we will be able to help you fix.

Indoor air quality

We can also help you with the air quality in your home. There may be many contaminants in the indoor air and most of these contaminants are not always visible. Whether it is mold, chemicals, volatile organic compounds or tiny particles, these are all sorts of contaminants that can be found in the air. Once again, the expert from Legault-Dubois will be able, via teleconference, to guide you through a diagnosis, that is,  an investigation that will help you improve the air quality in your home if you have any doubts about its contamination.

Water infiltration and humidity in the basement

We can also help you diagnose problems in the basement, such as, water infiltration, presence of water on the floor or if you see traces of efflorescence (white powdery marks on the surface of the concrete slab or the foundation walls). If you have or if you smell a “basement” odor (musty smell), we will also be able to guide you through the search for possible causes. Add to this the presence of mold on the floor or on the visible side of walls or behind wall finishes. If you can make few openings to see behind wall finish, we will be able to help you once again to find the possible causes of this mold problem.

If you have any questions about this video or any other problem associated with your building, please contact us. At Legault-Dubois, our experts are here to help you find the exact causes of the various problems you encounter, but also to provide solutions that are impartial so that the problem doesn’t reappear and you can sleep well at night.

You need advices concerning a problem with your building?
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thanks to our online technical consulation service

You need advices concerning
a problem with your building?
Exchange with an expert for a fraction of
the price of a visit thanks to our online
technical consulation service

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