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MLI: these three little letters mean nothing to the vast majority of us, but in this article we're talking mainly to real estate investors, who know them well. If you're a real estate investor and don't know what the letters MLI stand for, or if you'd like to better understand how CMHC's MLI Select program…

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Are you planning major work on your home, but have some technical questions? You are confronted with water infiltration and would like to discuss it with a professional? There are several situations where it can be useful to discuss with a building expert without the need to travel. Read our article as our experts present…

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Buying a new house is not the same as buying an existing one, and the older the house, the more there is to consider. You won't be surprised, then, to learn that buying an ancestral home presents specific challenges and considerations because of its age, of course, but also because of its heritage character. Read…

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If you're one of those who invest in real estate, you're well aware that it's becoming increasingly difficult to obtain the financing required for the construction and even renovation of rental buildings. Fortunately, the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) has created the MLI Select program, which offers a number of highly attractive incentives. But…

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maison novoclimat

Buying a home is a pivotal moment in the life of any home or condo owner. And when it comes time to buy a new home, any conscientious buyer will want to take every step to get the most out of their real estate investment. A great way to do this is to opt for…

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maison a vendre pour bricoleur

It may seem interesting when choosing your next home to consider a "fixer upper" home to save a little money. This is even more true when the inventory of properties for sale is more limited, smaller. But not all fiser upper homes are created equal... Keep reading or watch our video as we take a…

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entretoit et air frais

With the presence of stains and mold spots on the wood and rust on the nails, our inspectors come to suspect the presence of high condensation in the attics of the houses they visit. This condensation can be caused by several elements including an exfiltration of hot and humid air from inside the building or…

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Each winter, while a Siberian wind is whistling outside, we are presented with the traditional news report on thermal imaging surveys. According the pseudo-experts who show us these funny red and blue images, there is almost nothing they cannot see with their camera. Yet, unless asking Superman for a favor, no thermal camera can see through walls.…

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Despite the awareness campaigns of recent years, it still happens too frequently that our inspectors discover, during their pre-purchase home inspection or other inspections, houses without a carbon monoxide (CO) detector. Although not all homes require the presence of such a detection system, it is essential for everyone to know the conditions that call for…

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Presence of mature, deciduous trees near a building can cause various problems, depending on the tree type and soil.

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